At M&N Ranch we offer basic English & Western lessons. In addition to our basic riding lessons we also teach trail riding and driving.
Students may ride one of our lesson horses or trailer their own in. All lessons are between 45 & 60 minutes, but can be scheduled for longer depending on availability.
We offer the following options- Please message for pricing and availability.
Private Lessons.
Group Lessons (min 2 people- max 4 people)
Trail Lessons: Price depends on distance. (please contact for more information & availability)
Ground work lessons.
Training- offered monthly- includes full board- price may vary depending on horse breed.
Training Sessions.
Arena Rental: $40.00 per horse or $600 for unlimited use for a year.
Trail Riding Trips & Adventures (please contact for more information & availability)
Clinics (please contact for more information & availability)
Camps (please see our "Camps" page for more information & availability)
**Please Note: We fill up FAST, ​we try our best to fit everyone in and appreciate your patience with Scheduling. We keep our lesson schedule on Facebook, so please "like & follow" our Facebook page for more information and up to date activities.
At M&N Ranch we train both basic English & western. We can start with a focus on respect and then train them in the basics under saddle. We start them off right so that you can finish them your way.
Full training is $950/month. This includes:
- full training and outdoor board when available.
-4 training sessions and 1 private lesson per week.

Trail Riding Trips & Adventures
At M&N Ranch we offer a number of off site trail riding trips.
These are 3 day overnight trips that take us to many places, some of which are Stacyville, Andover, Acadia and many other places.
These trips book up fast and participants must be able to at least walk/trot comfortably. Please email us for more information on these trips.